Patrick Dunne

Sepsis killed my lovely dad on March 3rd 2022. My heart is broken as this could have been avoided if only the doctor at the urgent care centre where we live had helped him more that day. My dad had prostate cancer but the cancer was very much at bay and his psaPSA levels were great, his oncologist was extremely happy with his cancer. (Sepsis and Cancer) But unfortunately at the start of the first lockdown my dad was catheterised due to not being able to pee properly. He was told he would need his prostate shaved to be able to pee normally again a simple op that takes about 20 mins. He was told he’d probably be catheterised for no longer than 3 months. 3 months turned into 2 and half years due to cancelled appointments time and time again being told it was all due to covid.
Having the catheter fitted, he lost all quality of life. He was in constant pain most of the time everyday. Leaving the house to do simple things like get a bit of shopping or going to see his sister was agony. The catheter was blocking nearly every 3 or 4 days so the district nurses were out constantly changing it, which led to more pain from his damaged urethra every time it was done. My dad lived with me and it was terrible watching the pain he was in most days and nights. He had numerous water infections with the catheter which of course led to numerous antibiotics all the time. (Sepsis and Invasive Devices, Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections) It all came to a head on the 1st March 2022 when he came into the kitchen that morning clutching his side and telling me he was in absolute agony around his kidney area.
My youngest daughter, his granddaughter, took him to the hospital that Tuesday morning and his urine was dipped and he was told of yet again another water infection was causing the pain. He actually said to the doctor, I think this is something worse I feel so dreadfully ill. She said no it’s just a water infection and sent him on his way with yet another packet of antibiotics.
I left him that day to take my baby grandson to feed the ducks and made sure he was drinking lots of water. When I came home 2hrs later he had taken himself to bed and I noticed he had been vomiting into the sick dish he’d been given at the hospital that morning. His vomit was a very dark green colour. He looked really unwell and I was worried but I thought once the antibiotics had kicked in he’d start to feel better.
The next morning he was no better. He said he’d been in lots of pain during the night and had been vomiting lots more. I rang his GP who asked to see him when I explained the situation but he was way to ill to go to the surgery. The GP asked me to do his blood pressure and temperature ect. I couldn’t get a BP reading. I thought the machine was broken. Eventually I got a reading and it was so low. The doctor said ring 999, your dad has sepsis you need an emergency ambulance now.
It took 2 calls to 999 for them to believe my dad might of has sepsis after numerous questions to me and my dad who was way too poorly to speak to them properly anyway. Eventually an ambulance was sent around 2 hrs later. The paramedics checked him over and agreed after about half hour or so he had sepsis markers.
He was taken to hospital around 3.30pm that day Wednesday 2nd March.
He died in my arms on the Thursday morning at 11.12am due to septic shock. (Sepsis and Septic Shock)
My dad was my everything. I loved him so very much. He did everything for me all my life. His 3 granddaughters absolutely adored him and him them. We are all so hurt and lost without him. I believe this could have all been avoided due to earlier removal of the catheter and, of course, had the doctor that Tuesday morning kept him in hospital and done more tests.
Please anyone who has a loved one with a catheter that has been in for a long time tell them to fight to get it out. My dad would have still been here with me today if we’d have fought more, I never dreamed it would have killed him.
Source: Louise Dunne, daughter