Teresa Davis

Featured, Survivor

In October of 2016 I had a non cancerous ovarian mass removed. In doing so, my doctor clipped my bowel. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) I was sewn up, no drains and stayed in the hospital a week before they let me go home. Within two weeks of being home, I couldn’t eat, had no energy, was nauseous, and could not breath if I attempted to lie back. They had me come in right away for a CT.

From that point I was given a sedation (during the CT), and sent to emergency surgery. The bowel had been leaking content into my body cavity. They removed 8 liters off of me, gave me a temporary colostomy, and sewed me up with drains and a Penrose. My doctor that did this surgery said “It was not conducive to life.” I was put on life support with my hands and feet tied down, tubes in my nose and mouth….I was on life support for a week. When I woke up, I panicked, was confused, and scared! They explained everything to me. This is where I learned about severe septic shock, being a miracle, etc. (Sepsis and Septic Shock)

My left kidney was compromised, but required no extra surgery, I had to have the colostomy a year before take down. I had a year’s worth of drain care, an abscess formed at the end of my incision, and shingles. I am now left with post-sepsis syndrome, PTSD, chronic bone, joint and muscle pain. (Sepsis and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) I take 14 pills a day, I receive injections in my shoulders, hips, and neck every three months, My memory recall is diminished, I lost a lot of my hair (it was to my knees), and got down to 95lbs. I’m on disability, but I’m still Blessed and Giving Praise.

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