Robert Rubin


Hi my name is Bob. On July 20, 2013, my wife (Kim) and I were planning to go to a friend’s house. I was not feeling well, like I had the stomach flu, so I stayed home. Everything from here is what I have been told. I don’t remember any of this.

When Kim came home, she found me on the couch. She got me to bed and asked if I wanted to go to the ER. I said no. The next morning, about 5am, she said I was changing colors. So Kim and my daughter put me in the car and off to the ER I went. Eighteen days later, I woke in the hospital with a tube downrobert_rubin_1 my throat. I was on a ventilator. I was told that I went into septic shock, went into cardiac arrest and had 2 heart attacks the next day. I had gangrene on all my toes and 6 of my fingers. (Sepsis and Amputations) I lost the hearing in my right ear. I went from 195 lbs to less than 150lbs. Could not walk or move my arms. Had a tube coming out of my belly to drain my gallbladder.

Once they removed my breathing tube and I could eat, I was off to rehab. I spent 40 days in the hospital and rehab. That was 8-30-2013. I weighed 150 lbs. I was off work for a year. In December that year, I had my gallbladder removed. In February the following year, I had three fingers and three toes removed. They say that was all caused by my gallbladder. I also was told that was very lucky. One in nine people make it through septic shock. I am now back to work 2 years later and I have to wear glasses to read or see anything. I have really poor memory.

I ended up going to the therapist for my anger issues and found out that I was suffering from PTSD. (Sepsis and PTSD) I needed to start seeing a therapist until a year and a half later. I was 46 when it happen and now I’m happy to say I am 49. Now I have to see a cardiologist twice a year due to my heart.

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