Patricia Croft


Hi, My name is Patty.
This goes back a few years to May 1986. I felt very sick the last 4-6 weeks of my pregnancy. Bad migraines, low energy, just sick.
Two weeks after birth of my son, I couldn’t take it any more so my husband took me the ER. They tested for everything and decided it was sepsis. (Sepsis and Pregnancy & Childbirth) I don’t remember anything else of the hospital stay except waking up and begging for pain shots.

I was hooked up to IV. Finally after 5-6 days I kind of woke up to hear my infection was under control. I had to get back to my babies, 2 wk old son, and another 15 mo. old son. According to the internist, the infection hurt my thyroid gland and I would be on daily medicine the rest of my life. How did I feel?? I lied to everyone and said I was ok. But I wasn’t, I had many aches and pains and ended up not having a period for 3 years. My body hurt every where, I could barely stand on my feet or walk without terrible pain. I never really talked to anyone about my problems. But I knew all the after side affects were caused from the sepsis. I prayed to God, day by day I grew better without the medicine.

My period was restored after 3 years. Many years later, 2005, I ask about my illness with my husband exactly what happen because I remember nothing but being semi coma and pain. He said I nearly died. The doctors were very concerned because I was not responding to the drugs and they didn’t have many left to give except one more. I do not know the name of the drug they used to save my life. I was in shock. I had no idea I was so sick that the doctors prepared my hubby he could be a young widow with 2 babies. They were running out time and drugs. But as you all see, I survived!

It took me 3 years to totally recover, I was 35 and a young mother living out of town from family for help. I also had a hubby who traveled almost every week for his job. I survived. I never been sick again with any thing other than osteoarthritis.

I do suffer with joint pain. I sometimes wonder if sepsis has something to with it?
I am going to be 70 and I keep going on. I could have gone into more great detail but sometimes its best to close the chapter of my near death experience. I’m healthy today and that is all that matters.
God Bless, God fills all space with love, love heals, God is with my every step.

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