Kimberlee Howarth


January 2016 I was experiencing a burning sensation in my abdomen. Most of the day wasn’t painful, more annoying. At 6pm it changed from burning to extremely painful. I arrived at the ER approximately 6:30pm. I remember feeling dizzy and weak and that’s all I remember until I woke up approximately 8 days later in the Critical Care Unit with an ostomy bag on.

When I was transferred to the medical floor, the doctor explained part of my colon had perforated. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) She also told me I had emergency surgery.

After a bit over a month I returned home. Within 2 weeks I was running fevers and it was determined I had abdominal abscesses. The surgeon drained them but they continued to reappear no matter what was done, which resulted in fistulas. I had surgery to clear it up in August 2016. They finally dried up in early January 2018 but left more fistulas and constant infections. Now August 2018, I’m still dealing with the fistulas, the mess the fistulas have created, which extends from my bladder area to the front of my abdomen and into my pelvis. Doctors have confirmed I will need another surgery.

I knew nothing about sepsis before it happened to me…..and yes I am a survivor thanks to the doctors moving quickly. It’s a tough one because I am so thankful to be alive, on the other hand my life has done a 360 in a blink of an eye…

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