Keith Whatley

Featured, Survivor

I went into septic shock in December of 2016 due to a perforated bowel obstruction caused by my J-pouch that was inserted from being diagnosed with F.A.P. (familial adenomatous polyposis) when I was 16 years old. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) I was in a coma for a week and I wrote this poem of my journey to not only tell my story, but to let other survivors know they are not alone and not going crazy like I did. And to also inform friends and family of survivors of what they may be going through and to show them that someone is there and cares, and to bring awareness of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock to the world because the world is still not as informed as it should be about this topic.

“A New, Improved Me” by Keith Whatley, septic shock survivor

Septic Shock comes in numerous forms,
Surviving it might just be the start of the storm,
Your mind becomes hazy due to its clouds,
Riddled with loneliness in the midst of a crowd,
Too scared to tell anyone about how you feel,
Not being able to tell what’s fictitious or real,
Voices of loved ones all shaken with fear,
Hearing their emotions but the words so unclear,
There are moments I’m ecstatic then instantly depressed,
Post Sepsis Syndrome won’t let my mind ever rest,
Limits are lowered with new problems I face,
Emotions now swinging all over the place,
Swallowing every pill not wanting a tomorrow,
Due to me drowning in all the pain and sorrow,
I was blinded with fear that I just didn’t see,
Another day on this earth is not ever guaranteed,
Having faith and self worth was simply the key,
In the end I’m now stronger, a new, improved me.


Sepsis and Post-Sepsis Syndrome

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