Julia Fraser

At the young age of 18, my life took a sudden and terrifying turn when I almost lost my life to sepsis. It all began with an untreated UTI, but the symptoms of a blood infection were not evident at first. Unaware of the severity, I went about my days until one morning, the situation escalated rapidly. (Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infection)
In the earIy hours of June 19th, 2019 I was awakened suddenly, dazed, shaking and jolting uncontrollably, my skin was hot to the touch, but I had never felt more cold in my life. Little did I know that a life-threatening condition was taking over my body. When I finally sought medical attention, it was almost too late.
Unaware of what was happening within my body, I scrambled to find my phone to call for help. I tried my mother, then my brother with no luck, until he finally woke to hear the commotion of my dog barking, and me, frantically crying, unable to get out of my bed. I felt that I was about to die, an indescribable feeling I will never forget.
My brother ran to my mother’s room, to tell her he had believed I was having a seizure. I remember my mother frantically calling my father, who was in a city over an hour away, and in the background, my brother, Jax pleading with 911 to send an ambulance as quickly as they could. I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. My father, a police officer who was on duty at the time, arrived incredibly fast to the emergency room upon receiving the alarming call, but I was not with him to see the panic in his eyes. The moment the ambulance doors opened, the look on my mother’s face was etched in my memory forever – a mixture of fear and hope as she prayed for answers, and a look of horror when the EMTs documented my temperature at 105F and a BPM of over 140.
The doctors and medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize me. They explained the gravity of the situation, telling me that I would have died within 12 hours if I hadn’t sought help when I did. It was a surreal moment, realizing just how close I had come to losing my life.
I spent a harrowing week in the hospital fighting for survival, and an additional two weeks under home health care as I began my long road to recovery. It was a grueling process, physically and emotionally. The effects of sepsis left me with life long lasting effects, known as PSS (Post Sepsis Syndrome) but I was alive.
The journey of recovery taught me the value of life and how precious every moment is. It became my driving force to share my story, to raise awareness about sepsis, and to inspire others to prioritize their health. I wanted people to understand the importance of early detection and treatment, as it could be the difference between life and death.
Though I still face the long-lasting effects of sepsis, I am grateful for every breath I take. I channel my experience into advocating for sepsis awareness, determined to prevent others from enduring what I went through. My hope is that by sharing my story, I can empower others to be proactive about their health and create a meaningful impact in the fight against this silent and deadly condition.