Jennifer Jay

In September 2022, my face exploded in open wounds. By November 2022, my body was also covered in open wounds. It took several hours everyday to clean but I was fighting the likelihood of infection. I had a telemed appointment and used antibiotics that seemed to help. All of 2023, I was experiencing flare ups. Uninsured, I would visit the ER it seemed every other month. The flare ups and wounds had evolved. Started to behave differently in Nov. 2023.
In the first few days of April,2024, I passed out mid sentence, apparently into a coma, woke up 14 hours later and couldn’t walk. Taken by ambulance, I was admitted to the ICU. I was in kidney failure, respiratory failure with pneumonia, incoherent, and BP so low it wouldn’t properly read. I was in septic shock. WBC at 24k, released after two weeks with a walker and oxygen tank prescribed 6 liters a day, I was 39. This forced me to figure out what was causing my initial symptoms. This was the ultimate double edged sword.