Janet K.


I had my spleen removed in March due to growths. Couldn’t do a fine needle aspiration on the spleen so the only was to know if the growths were cancerous or not was to remove it. Thanks goodness the growths were benign. I went through recovery and went home nine days after the surgery. (Sepsis and Surgery) The following week I don’t have much memory. I live alone in an apartment building. Friends of mine could not reach me and called the building manager who came up to my apartment. I was found on the floor semi conscious. She called 911. I have no idea how long I was on the floor.

What I was told was several organs stopped working, like the kidneys. My blood pressure was very low and I had trouble breathing. There were other issues but I’m still putting the whole story together. I woke up in CCU after three days. My beautiful CCU nurse told me where I was and what happened but not to be scared. The worst parts were over. I was in CCU for eight days and then moved to a private room on a regular floor as I acquired the stomach bug called C-diff. I was on three antibiotics along with a myriad of other medicines. My primary care doctor told me I was about 10 hours away from dying. BTW I was 54 when this started.

I also suffer from an auto immune disease called psoriatic arthritis. That disease lowers the body ability to fight germs and I had my spleen removed.(Sepsis and Autoimmune DiseasesSepsis and Impaired Immune System) Mistakes were made along the way but I had a sense of calm during this period. I have not contact with my older siblings but they were aware of what happened. The only way I could be accepted back into the family was not possible so I have no contact with them. My friends are also difficult to deal with and have lost two of them as we didn’t agree on several points. Until I found this website I didn’t know there would be long term effects from having sepsis. I’m dealing with that now.

I am learning to be patient with myself and to accept my limitations. I’ve tried reconciliation with friends and family but have not been successful. I am happy to be alive. Quite poor because disability doesn’t cover my expenses. But I’m rich with the new friends I’ve made.

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