Darrell Raikes

I went in for a routine knee replacement on May 26 that went bad. (Sepsis and Surgery) They said there was an allergic reaction that caused me to go sepsis. From there I went into septic shock where it started shutting down my organs including kidneys and lungs. My right lung collapsed were I needed a chest tube and introduced me to ARDS. (Sepsis and ARDS) They had to quit giving my blood thinner and add a filter to block the blood clots they suspected would come and they did.
They added a trach to help me breath and rest. When I started waking up some 20 days later, I had lost all muscle mass and could not move or talk. After the trach was installed i seemed to get better where I stayed in ICU until June 30. I was then transferred to 2 other rehabilitation hospitals for trach removal and overall strength.
Some 18 months later I still have lingering problems from this traumatic experience such as PTSD, anxiety, muscle weakness, neuropathy, and mental issues. (Sepsis and PTSD) I also have a scarred lung from the ARDS along with other issues in breathing. I couldn’t have made this journey without my family and especially my wife along with the doctors and staff at the University of Kentucky. Now I am a sepsis advocate by giving presentations and helping other cope with the after effects or learning to recognize. I am also a volunteer at the University of Kentucky Hospital. In no way am I back to normal but this allows me to give back to those in need.