Beauden Baumkirchner

Beauden born a healthy boy, fell off his bike when he was 3 on the first day of our family vacation in San Diego in October of 2020. He scraped his knee and 48 hours later was admitted to a Pediatric ICU in San Diego where he stayed for 2 months, then another floor for 2 more weeks.
Beauden contracted staph which was MSSA but acted like MRSA and went into septic shock. (Sepsis and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)/Antibiotic Resistance) He required a bilateral leg amputations and lost a couple fingers as well. (Sepsis and Amputations) To date, he has had 20 surgeries and was hospitalized back home in Arizona a month later for another week after his original discharge from San Diego.
Beauden is a little miracle. He has been through such treacherous times, but all with a sweet smile on his face. He has helped many to realize that amongst problems, there are always blessings to be found.☀️
Source: Juliana (mother)