Ally M.


I’d had a really tough pregnancy in 2016 leading into 2017 due to a condition called pre-eclampsia. (Sepsis and Pregnancy & Childbirth) My blood pressure was sky high at 191/115 on all the medication they could manage and my body was tired and so so swollen! On the 1st February via cesarean section I delivered my beautiful baby boy into the world. The day before that I had gone to the hospital for a check up and they’d mentioned I had a UTI and would send me home (one of the only nights at home I’d had in weeks) with antibiotics and that would treat it. (Sepsis and Urinary Tract Infections) Unfortunately it slipped my mind and also the midwive’s so I never ended up getting the antibiotics.

Back to the day of my cesarean, my boy came into the world kicking and screaming and of a healthy weight with just some small feeding issues. Less than 12 hours after his birth I spiked a temperature and I was tachycardic so my doctor decided to start both me and my son on IV antibiotics as he was concerned that I had an infection. After several blood tests, my baby going up to NICU for some help and me being severely ill. I was diagnosed with sepsis that had been from the UTI that wasn’t treated. Due to my kidneys already struggling because of the pre-eclampsia, my UTI had effected my kidneys and therefore a kidney infection caused sepsis. Until reading these stories I never realised how serious sepsis was. I feel so lucky that a few weeks later me and my boy were able to leave the hospital healthy.

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