Sharon Walraven


In May of 2005 I had been helping my son do some landscaping. The work was quite strenuous and I found myself feeling very exhausted and with-flu like symptoms. Needless to say, I took to bed with flu meds and thought, no worry.

After the 4th day of being bed ridden and unable to stand without passing out, my husband said “I’m taking you to the ER.” At check in my blood pressure was 50/30, pulse was 120, respirations 17 and a I had a very high white cell count. They took this test, that test, and did this and that, and on the 4th day ,a gastroentrologist was called for his opinion of my CT scans etc.

Dr Balasakaran found the cause of my sepsis. Yippie..It appeared that a diverticuli had perforated and formed an air pocket around itself. My working so hard burst the pocket and caused the leakage. (Sepsis and Perforated Bowel) Several rounds of high potency antibiotics and blood transfusions later, I made it out alive. I’ve now have 3/4 of my colon removed, chronic kidney disease, liver and kidney cysts,Graves disease and Graves opthalmopathy and suffer chronic pain.

Blessing to all that have survived sepsis and many blessing to the families that have lost loved one.

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