Next, fill out the details of the proclamation. Below are some fields you may be prompted to include.
- Title of Proclamation: Sepsis Awareness Month
- Date of Proclamation/Date of Observance: September 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024 (month-long observance). If your web form only allows you to select one date, select September 1, 2024.
- Deadline for Proclamation (sometimes called the “Delivery Date”): September 1, 2024
- Purpose/Description of Proclamation: Sepsis Awareness Month will help to raise awareness of sepsis throughout our state. Although sepsis is the number one cause of death and cost of care in U.S. hospitals, only 15% of U.S. adults can name the signs and symptoms. Each September, Sepsis Awareness Month provides an annual opportunity to educate and prevent future loss of life.
- Draft Language/Whereas Clauses: Please copy and paste the below text exactly as written!
Whereas, September has been nationally recognized as Sepsis Awareness Month by Sepsis Alliance to bring awareness to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death; and
Whereas, sepsis affects 1.7 million Americans and takes 350,000 adult lives every year in the United States; and
Whereas, each year, more than 75,000 children in the United States develop severe sepsis and 6,800 of these children die; and
Whereas, sepsis is the number one cost of hospitalization in the U.S., with costs for acute sepsis hospitalization and skilled nursing estimated to be $62 billion annually; and
Whereas, on average, sepsis survivors have a shortened life expectancy, are more likely to suffer from an impaired quality of life, and often experience after-effects such as amputations (14,000 per year in the United States) and post-sepsis syndrome; and
Whereas, communities that have historically lacked access to high-quality healthcare experience a disproportionate burden of sepsis-related suffering; and
Whereas, sepsis is the second-leading cause of pregnancy-related mortality in the United States; and
Whereas, the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance is steadily increasing the frequency of sepsis cases; and
Whereas, despite the severe danger and widespread occurrence of this illness, a survey conducted by Sepsis Alliance found that less than 15% of U.S. adults can identify the symptoms of sepsis; and
Whereas, the signs of sepsis can be remembered with the mnemonic “TIME,” which stands for “Temperature,” “Infection,” “Mental decline,” and “Extremely ill”; and
Whereas, awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis along with rapid diagnosis and treatment of sepsis can save lives and improve outcomes for sepsis survivors; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that we hereby recognize September as Sepsis Awareness Month.

- Note: Some web form limit the number of characters, words, or clauses that the draft proclamation language can include. If that is the case where you live, please copy and paste the below shortened version of the proclamation language.
Whereas, September has been nationally recognized as Sepsis Awareness Month to bring awareness to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death; and
Whereas, sepsis affects 1.7 million Americans and takes the lives of 350,000 adults and 6,800 children every year in the U.S.; and
Whereas, sepsis is the #1 cost of hospitalization in the U.S., at $62 billion annually; and
Whereas, sepsis survivors are more likely to suffer from an impaired quality of life; and
Whereas, despite the dangers of sepsis, only 15% of U.S. adults can identify the symptoms. These can be remembered with the mnemonic “TIME”: “Temperature,” “Infection,” “Mental decline,” and “Extremely ill”; and
Whereas, awareness of the signs of sepsis along with rapid diagnosis and treatment can save lives and improve outcomes for survivors; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that we hereby recognize September as Sepsis Awareness Month.