Sharon Bodeen

Sharon Bodeen

I have experienced septic shock three times as of this writing. The last episode was in May 2019. Septic shock is an absolutely horrible experience. For many years I had a mediport for hydration and nutrition. (Sepsis and Invasive Devices)

Two years ago I experienced my first bout of sepsis. Since this time I cannot tolerate being around crowds. I prefer to remain in my peaceful bedroom, and to sit in my cozy chair. I jump at loud noises. I react strongly to scary automobile rides. I have had a lot of skeletal and muscle pain. I have memory loss, and difficulty processing information. I am regularly short of breath, and experience tachycardia almost every day. The underlying causes for my need for a mediport remain, but for right now I am refusing a mediport because I never wish to experience sepsis again. Most days I feel weak.


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