Rosa Love


On May 22, 2019, I flew to Mexico for a tummy tuck. I had struggled with my weight for all of my adult life. I was excited but a little nervous at the same time. I went into surgery on the 23rd. I woke up in excruciating pain. (Sepsis and Surgery) I stayed in the hospital over night. I went to my room the next day with all my meds and with post-surgery instructions. I spent the next week and a half in more pain than I had ever been in.

I got home to the USA and got treatment in the ER just in time. I spent over a week in ICU, and another three weeks in the hospital. While there, I had three additional surgeries.

I am now ten months post surgery. I don’t know if my tummy tuck worked because I still have a lot of swelling. My abdomen is extended and hard to touch. I do know that I’m happy and blessed to be alive.

We are now in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak and I am not going to the doctor for fear of catching the infection.

It’s been a long ten months.

Thank you, Lord – I’m still alive!

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